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Courtney Cox discusses Lasers in New You Magazine

I enjoyed reading Courtney Cox discuss her love of Lasers in a recent New You Article. She also recently discussed doing Fraxel for her Hands, Fraxel is our Pearl Laser equivalent. As a National Trainer and Speaker on Laser technology I believe you all know where I stand on Lasers, they are one of the most effectiveRead More

Happy New Year

2012 has arrived, and the first things we think about are our New Year’s resolutions. We all make mistakes and have regrets, but no longer do you have to say “what?s done is done.” With a new year comes a new YOU, and with the latest technological advances, VITAHL’s highly experienced and knowledgeable staff canRead More

VITAHL Only Colorado Location Offering New, Non-Surgical Fat-Removal Treatment

If you?ve hesitated to have lipo treatments because they seemed, well, too invasive, we have good news. VITAHL is one of just 12 medical offices across the country to offer a new, non-surgical lipo treatment called VASERshape. VASERshape is the latest innovation from Louisville, Colo., based Sound Surgical Technologies. It has been available for manyRead More