The Three Levels of Chemical Peels and How They Help You
A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment in which the clinician applies an acidic solution to the client’s face to exfoliate damaged skin and unveil pristine new skin. Depending on their ingredients, chemical peels vary widely in strength.
Types of Chemical Peels
A superficial or light chemical peel is the mildest type. It can be used to treat fine lines, acne, uneven pigmentation, and dry skin. It works by removing the epidermis or topmost layer of the skin.
The clinician will gently cleanse the patient’s skin beforehand. The clinician will then apply the chemical peel and wait for it to take effect. Most patients feel a stinging or warming sensation as the peel does its work. After a given time, the clinician will wash the peel off and apply lotion to moisturize and soothe the skin. The client may immediately go about their business.
Superficial peels are generally made from an alpha hydroxy acid like glycolic acid or salicylic acid. Many clients need several treatments to get the desired results, and they can undergo a glycolic peel once a week.
Medium and deep peels are stronger and remove more layers of skin. They produce more dramatic results than do superficial peels, and they require a longer recovery. Medium and deep peels are used to treat more severe blemishes.
What Are the Vi Peel and Vi Plus?
A Jessner peel is a type of medium peel. As such it removes several layers of the upper dermis. It can be used to treat sun damage, scars, wrinkles, and discoloration. It can also make rough skin smoother. Jessner peels often contain salicylic acid, which is a “keratolyctic” that dissolves the comparatively hard skin cells of the epidermis. It also contains lactic acid that helps hydrate the skin.
Vi Peel and Vi Plus are examples of modified Jessner peels. They can be safely used on all skin types, and many patients will see results after just one treatment.
What Is the Deep Peel Like?
The deep peel contains high concentrations of trichloroacetic acid, and it’s the most powerful of the chemical peels. While it produces more dramatic results than superficial or medium peels, it also requires a longer recovery time, and the procedure takes longer.
The patient should plan to stay at home that weekend during recovery. The first day after treatment usually consists of tight skin but no peeling. Day two the patient may begin to see some flakiness. Day three into day five is usually the height of the peel and the skin will be very sensitive. The skin begins to normalize around days six and seven. The clinician will advise the patient on ways to protect their sensitive skin while it heals as every patient is different. For example, they should avoid exposure to the sun.
If you are interested in one of these treatments, the professionals at Vitahl Medical Aesthetics are ready to discuss your options with you. We are conveniently located in Denver, CO. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!