Men have figured out the secret that women have long known– appearance can make a difference. Men have become increasingly aware that aesthetic treatments may benefit their social life, and are becoming more concerned about their appearance. While Skincare may not have been top priority for men in the past, whether competing in theRead More
Last month, I had the opportunity to reach out to everyone and discuss breast cancer, which affects millions of women. Recently, the mother of a close friend was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Sadly, she lost her battle with the disease. As i watched her go through this with her family, I realized that many peopleRead More
[youtube=] VASER on Dr. Oz Show – Call VITAHL Today to see if VASER is right for you 303.388.7380 VASERshape- Denver Non-Surgical Body Contouring Have you always wanted to treat unwanted fat and cellulite without down time or surgery? Based in Denver, Colorado, VITAHL is one of only 12 medical offices in the countryRead More