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At VITAHL, we know that beauty not only comes from treating the skin, but also from how you treat your body. Dr. Humes and VITAHL have partnered with Dr. Chad Prusmack, neurosurgeon to the Denver Broncos, biophysicist, and founder of NutriLife Rx, to help you keep your skin beautiful from the inside and out.

Dr. Prusmack is now featuring the Radiant Beauty supplement package at VITAHL. The Radiant Beauty lifestyle package is ideal for the woman or man who wants to look and feel their best. With anti aging properties, as well as components to improve your skin, hair and collagen reproduction, you will feel more youthful, rested and vibrant.

You can order all supplements online. Dr. Prusmack is offering all VITAHL patients a 5% discount on purchased products. Use sales discount code “VITAHL” upon placing your order on the Nutrilife Rx Web site. To purchase or learn more about The Radiant Beauty products go to