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Contour Your Body with truSculpt-3D



Thanks to advances that have been made in science and medicine, a person can have the body of their dreams. Of course, a healthy diet and exercise play a role in this. However, many have had the experience of spending years dieting and exercising and not being able to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat. Thankfully, there are ways to contour the body and get the curves and shape you have always wanted. We invite you to learn how you can contour your body with truSculpt-3D.

This is a treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to eliminate stubborn fat. Heat is delivered deep into the tissue in order to sculpt the body, reduce fat, and tighten the skin. The amazing thing is that all of these goals can be accomplished in a completely non-invasive way.

How do you know if you are a good candidate for truSculpt? This treatment is usually best for individuals who are at or close to their ideal weight. Of course, the best way to find out about truSculpt and the benefits you can receive is by scheduling a consultation with our highly-trained medical professionals. After examining the fatty areas you would like to have removed and asking questions about your health, we can give you the best answer regarding your candidacy for this treatment.

Itโ€™s important to keep in mind that truSculpt does not produce results that are seen immediately. The heat from the radiofrequency energy is going to trigger the body to break down fat cells that have been affected during the treatment session. It can take weeks to months for you to start to see results.

You can feel confident using truSculpt at VITAHL. You can learn more about the details of the procedure during a consultation at our office in Denver. Contact us today at 303-388-7380 to book your appointment!