Do not sacrifice expertise for cost. Often times less experienced doctors give more discounts to get more patients in. It should be about quality, not quantity when it comes to surgery. Patients can end up paying more in the end because they need their surgical mistakes fixed. If it seems too good to be true,Read More
With the expansion of aesthetic technology and associated aesthetic procedures, there has been a parallel growth in office-based procedures being completed by non-surgically trained physicians. In many cases, this may be acceptable per their board certification, but in some cases, the envelope is being over zealously pushed, which has had an extremely negative effect onRead More
Previously, I shared a story about a 35 year-old Florida woman who had a negative outcome from surgery after she chose a good deal on liposuction without checking on the expertise of the provider. Had she done more research, she would have found that the surgeon had been disciplined by the state on multiple occasions.Read More