I cannot believe that the holiday season is fast approaching! It feels like only a few weeks ago, it was June first. We were all looking forward to the heat of the summer sun, and we were planning our summer vacations. Now, the leaves are changing, and Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. The next thing we know, we will be celebrating the New Year. As we look towards Thanksgiving, I find myself thinking about how much there is to be thankful for in 2010.
It has been a great year for VITAHL. As many of you know, we celebrated five years in business this past September, and we also welcomed Dr. Jason Martin, a renowned plastic surgeon, to the practice. With the addition of Dr. Martin to the VITAHL family, we now offer both office-based Vaser Lipo and Smart Lipo Body Contouring, which have been met with great enthusiasm. In his short time at VITAHL, Dr. Martin is already in high demand for office-based liposuction and Blepharoplaties (upper and lower eyelid surgery), as well as full face and body cosmetic surgery. We are so happy to have him on board, and I truly enjoy having another doctor in the office who broadens the treatments we offer at VITAHL. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate VITAHL?S fifth anniversary and to welcome Dr. Martin to the VITAHL family. It was a great party! Click here for some photos.
This year has also brought to VITAHL one of our strongest teams of employees ? some have been with us for a year or more, and we have added a few new staff members that we have been so happy to welcome to the VITAHL family. We are a cohesive unit, and I want you all to be able to get to know this staff. We will be introducing them to you, one by one, in the New Year.
Thank you to all our loyal patients for helping to make 2010 a year to remember!