Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. During the cold winter months, don?t forget to take the time to care for your skin. Here are some beauty tips and treatments to try based on how many minutes you have to spend. 1 minute treatments:? Apply sunscreen with an antioxidant beforeRead More
The New Year is here, full of resolutions followed by Summer preparations! It may seem premature for Summer Preparation but this is the perfect time to get started. Laser Hair Removal is a series of Laser Treatments so begining now is perfect preperation for Summer. Since the series of treatments is based around the hair follicle growth patternRead More
Hollywood has long understood the power of a perfect pouty lip, leaving everyone asking, “What options do I have to obtain that perfect celebrity pout?” Full and pouty lips are associated with youth, beauty and sensuality. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, many want to have those beautiful, kissable lips without the pain and tinglingRead More