During the busy summer months, don?t forget to take time to take care of your skin. Got a few minutes? Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. VITAHL?s quick tips will leave you with fabulous celebrity looking skin in under 30 minutes! 1 – minute treatments: – Apply sunscreen withRead More
I read this article recently on the effects of Botox on the lips and was glad to see one of VITAHL’s favorite treatments in the spotlight. The writer talks about her experience with Botox for the treatment of vertical lines, aka “smokers lines”, but in addition the results can be great for a plumping effect as well. By allowing Read More
Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. During the cold winter months, don?t forget to take the time to care for your skin. Here are some beauty tips and treatments to try based on how many minutes you have to spend. 1 minute treatments:? Apply sunscreen with an antioxidant beforeRead More