If you are like many of us, you have been following the latest Hollywood buzz. It seems like every day there is a new celebrity announcing that she is expecting. Flipping through magazines and seeing how amazing these stylish moms-to-be look leaves us wondering, “What are they doing to keep that glow and how areRead More
https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/OuxrDtkhdOw&source=uds June Specials include 20% Off VASERShape and TruSculpt get yourself bikini ready!
At VITAHL we couldn’t be more excited about Cellulaze, the latest FDA approved treatment for Cellulite. The results are amazing and our patients couldn’t be happier. This is a great article describing the treatment. More than a temporary fix? | recordonline.com
Wow! What a change a month can make. Since the recent introduction of new treatments added to the menu here at VITAHL, we are excited to announce that our new Miradry and Cellulaze have started out with a big bang! They have been such a hit that we have patients in planes, trains and automobilesRead More
If you are like most women, you have been sucked into trying every diet and cream on the market that claims to “get rid of” cellulite, only to end up spending hundreds of dollars and still having that dreadful “cottage cheese” look. Look no farther. VITAHL is proud to announce the arrival of the firstRead More