If you are like many of us, you have been following the latest Hollywood buzz. It seems like every day there is a new celebrity announcing that she is expecting. Flipping through magazines and seeing how amazing these stylish moms-to-be look leaves us wondering, “What are they doing to keep that glow and how areRead More
My Best Friend Females – young, or old – are fickle. We tell each other what we want to hear: ?Does my butt look too big in these jeans?? ?Do you like my haircut?? The list goes on and on. Some friends just say what we want to hear because it?s easier. My best friend,Read More
Life is about change, and our skin is proof of that. As we age, we lose elasticity in our skin, develop age spots, and the collagen and supportive structures literally start to break down. Most often we focus on problem areas and may think that there is only one treatment out there to reverse theRead More