If you are like many of us, you have been following the latest Hollywood buzz. It seems like every day there is a new celebrity announcing that she is expecting. Flipping through magazines and seeing how amazing these stylish moms-to-be look leaves us wondering, “What are they doing to keep that glow and how areRead More
2012 has arrived, and the first things we think about are our New Year’s resolutions. We all make mistakes and have regrets, but no longer do you have to say “what?s done is done.” With a new year comes a new YOU, and with the latest technological advances, VITAHL’s highly experienced and knowledgeable staff canRead More
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7hlBPv5rQE] Body Contouring is all the rage in Aesthetics. At VITAHL we proudly offer VASER Shape a non invasive alternative to liposuction. Treat unwanted fat and cellulite with this non surgical fat blaster! Call VITAHL to schedule a consult to see if VASER Shape is right for you 303.388.7380