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Summer Quick Tips

During the busy summer months, don?t forget to take time to take care of your skin. Got a few minutes? Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. VITAHL?s quick tips will leave you with fabulous celebrity looking skin in under 30 minutes!

1 – minute treatments:

– Apply sunscreen with Antioxidant – before you leave the house for the day, apply Super Serum Advance+ or ProHeal Advance+ (both available at VITAHL), with your favorite sunscreen. The double defense of sunscreen with Antioxidant insures your ready for the elements
– Pamper your eyes – plump the skin under your eyes while firming and hydrating with VITAHL?s number one seller, IS Clinicals Youth Eye Complex


15 – minute treatments:

– Wrinkle Eraser – our favorite for softening wrinkles is the liquid gold of Botox
– Peel away dead skin – minimize fine lines and brighten your skin with chemical peel. Vitalize and Rejuvenize peels will clear up your skin and keep you glowing.


30 – minute treatments:

– Rejuvenate – keep your skin polished and rejuvenated with microdermabrashion and dermaplaning
– Good bye redness hello glow – with Laser Genesis reduce redness, decrease pore size and leave with an amazing glowing skin
– Refresh your hands, neck and chest – don?t ignore these areas that are prone to aging and wrinkles too, add them to your Laser Genesis and IPL treatments

Not sure which quick treatment is right for you? You can come to VITAHL for a consultation.