During the busy summer months, don?t forget to take time to take care of your skin. Got a few minutes? Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. VITAHL?s quick tips will leave you with fabulous celebrity looking skin in under 30 minutes! 1 – minute treatments: – Apply sunscreen withRead More
French women have long known that the foundation of beauty is excellence in skin care, not an overly heightened focus on makeup. So ingrained in their culture, well-being and femininity, this wisdom is passed down from generation to generation, and taken very seriously. This is something American women can learn from and take to heartRead More
Dr Humes was interviewed by Examiner.com and talked secrets, prevention and services. “Most of our clients are under 30. They are trying to do preventive work to make sure they look great as they grow older..” Click the link below for the full article. http://www.examiner.com/article/vitahl-denver-for-plastic-surgery-on-the-reality-tv-stars