During the busy summer months, don?t forget to take time to take care of your skin. Got a few minutes? Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. VITAHL?s quick tips will leave you with fabulous celebrity looking skin in under 30 minutes! 1 – minute treatments: – Apply sunscreen withRead More
In this day and age, men want to look good, too. That?s why many are choosing aesthetic procedures to maintain their youthful appearance, feel better about themselves and even gain a career advantage. Medical aesthetics for men requires a different approach and the special skills of a doctor such as Dr. Tahl N. Humes whoRead More
Enlarged pores are a cosmetic concern for many of our patients. The average human face has thousands of pores. Pores are microscopic openings at the surface of the skin that provide a way for the body to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature and moisturize dry skin. Pores may appear enlarged for a number ofRead More