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Treat Acne Safely and Comfortably with Blu-U Light Treatment

Acne affects more than just teenagers. Middle-aged and older people are even susceptible to this chronic condition that causes red patches of skin, irritation and other unappealing symptoms. While there are many acne treatments on the market, they may be harsh or ineffective. They may cause dry skin that is more irritating than acne itself.Read More

Get the Body You Want in 2016 with VASERShape Body Contouring

Even after dieting and exercise, many individuals end up with “problem areas” where deposits of fat have accumulated and stubbornly refuse to go away, such on the thighs or a love pouch on the abdomen. A non-invasive treatment called VASERShape Body Contouring can help eliminate problem areas, with no pain and no downtime. VASERShape wasRead More

Minimize Lines and Wrinkles with BOTOX Cosmetic

BOTOX® is currently one of the most popular and effective treatments for minimizing fine lines and wrinkles across the face. This purified, injectable relaxes the facial muscles that are responsible for causing wrinkles to produce impressive results without the need for cutting or tissue removal. Best of all, this procedure produces noticeable results in mereRead More

Toss Your Razor and Opt for Laser Hair Removal

Everyone, male or female, grows hair in places where they would prefer it would not. The face, the armpits, the legs, and the back are all common areas where people shave, wax, and tweeze. These processes can be very frustrating. The hair always grows back and they have to be repeated, sometimes daily. As theRead More

Reveal Brighter, Glowing Skin with a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a popular resurfacing treatment that uses a chemical solution to gently remove the thin layers of skin, revealing skin that grows back younger and smoother. Chemicals peels are mainly used on the facial area to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, discolorations, and scars. Different solutions are used to treat light, mediumRead More

Combat Sun Damage with an IPL Photo Facial

Skin can become damaged due to long-term exposure to the sun. The epidermis can burn, and the tissues just beneath the dermal layers can become less supportive. Tiny veins and capillaries are especially sensitive to heat, the result being spider veins and red blemish spots. Age spots and freckles become more pronounced. A revolutionary newRead More

Summer Quick Tips

During the busy summer months, don?t forget to take time to take care of your skin. Got a few minutes? Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. VITAHL?s quick tips will leave you with fabulous celebrity looking skin in under 30 minutes! 1 – minute treatments: – Apply sunscreen withRead More

Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores are a cosmetic concern for many of our patients. The average human face has thousands of pores. Pores are microscopic openings at the surface of the skin that provide a way for the body to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature and moisturize dry skin. Pores may appear enlarged for a number ofRead More

Foundation of Beauty

French women have long known that the foundation of beauty is excellence in skin care, not an overly heightened focus on makeup.  So ingrained in their culture, well-being and femininity, this wisdom is passed down from generation to generation, and taken very seriously.  This is something American women can learn from and take to heartRead More

Post-Baby Skin Care Treatments

If you are like many of us, you have been following the latest Hollywood buzz. It seems like every day there is a new celebrity announcing that she is expecting. Flipping through magazines and seeing how amazing these stylish moms-to-be look leaves us wondering, “What are they doing to keep that glow and how areRead More

truSculpt Body Shaping with Dr Tahl Humes

Dr. Humes examines a physically fit female patient to determine how the truSculpt? body shaping device, from Cutera, Inc., can be used to reduce extra fat and tighten the skin around her abdomen and legs. Dr. Humes also shows how this non-invasive radiofrequency-based device works on different parts of the body. Click Below.

VITAHL’s “Liquid Gold” saved John Mayer for all Women

John Mayer is a known ladies man and to most women swoon when his voice hits the the air. But Botox , VITAHL’s “Liquid Gold“, was the cure that saved is vocal chords from granuloma (severe tissue inflammation on his vocal chords). In the last few years we hear more and more the miracle healingRead More

Dr Humes Talks Top 3 VITAHL Procedures and Prevention on

Dr Humes was interviewed by and talked secrets, prevention and services. “Most of our clients are under 30. They are trying to do preventive work to make sure they look great as they grow older..” Click the link below for the full article.